If you have never been to a school silent auction, you don't know how much you have missed. These can be one of the most exciting events of the year in your neighborhood. Every one you go to is different, and you never know what kind of bargains you will find. They are a great time of fun, fellowship and food.
Choose someone that is good at organizing activities to head up the auction. Allow her to choose the number of people she needs. Donations will need to be collected, auction sheets will need to be made up, gifts will need to be handed out and money will need to be collected.
Holding your auction during a special season can add an atmosphere of fun. You can have a Halloween pumpkin fundraiser or a mother's day basket fundraiser. The main item to be offered can be something that goes along with the theme. For example, for mother's day a large basket could be decorated in a pretty, feminine way, and the children could bring things they think a mother would enjoy.
Teachers can donate a game of mini-golf or a lunch at a certain restaurant. The older girls can offer a free night of babysitting. Boys can offer to cut grass or rake leaves. Others can bake pies, cakes, cookies and cupcakes. Everyone can participate, and their imagination is the limit.
To increase the participation and fun, a local restaurant can donate a meal to be served at the time of the auction. Some of the parents may want to put together a mini-carnival for the children to participate in while their parents are participating in the auction. Either of these added activities will add a good amount of money to your fundraiser.
Every item to be auctioned should be placed on a table with a piece of paper for the participants to vote on. You can start the bidding at a penny, or you can set a minimum price. Each participant should have their own pen or pencil. They circulate among the tables writing down their name and bid on the articles they are interested in. At the end of auction, the money is collected and the items are given to the highest bidder.
Your school can raise a large amount of money with a school silent auction. Everyone will have more fun if they help to make the auction a success. The more items you have, the more fun it will be. - 32383
Choose someone that is good at organizing activities to head up the auction. Allow her to choose the number of people she needs. Donations will need to be collected, auction sheets will need to be made up, gifts will need to be handed out and money will need to be collected.
Holding your auction during a special season can add an atmosphere of fun. You can have a Halloween pumpkin fundraiser or a mother's day basket fundraiser. The main item to be offered can be something that goes along with the theme. For example, for mother's day a large basket could be decorated in a pretty, feminine way, and the children could bring things they think a mother would enjoy.
Teachers can donate a game of mini-golf or a lunch at a certain restaurant. The older girls can offer a free night of babysitting. Boys can offer to cut grass or rake leaves. Others can bake pies, cakes, cookies and cupcakes. Everyone can participate, and their imagination is the limit.
To increase the participation and fun, a local restaurant can donate a meal to be served at the time of the auction. Some of the parents may want to put together a mini-carnival for the children to participate in while their parents are participating in the auction. Either of these added activities will add a good amount of money to your fundraiser.
Every item to be auctioned should be placed on a table with a piece of paper for the participants to vote on. You can start the bidding at a penny, or you can set a minimum price. Each participant should have their own pen or pencil. They circulate among the tables writing down their name and bid on the articles they are interested in. At the end of auction, the money is collected and the items are given to the highest bidder.
Your school can raise a large amount of money with a school silent auction. Everyone will have more fun if they help to make the auction a success. The more items you have, the more fun it will be. - 32383
About the Author:
Silent auctions are a great way to raise money for just about any purpose. Learn the tips and tricks for holding one of these fun fundraisers at the Auction Web Site.